Curing Customer Service Pain
with CRM
Receiving thousands of calls, web hits, emails, faxes and other requests each month with no ability to manage, organize and prioritize this information to meet customer needs in a timely fashion.
Customer Service
Lacking the information a customer service rep needs to diagnose and solve the customer issue.
Having the tools to route problems to the appropriate resource within the organization to solve the problem quickly.
Using the right management tools to insure customer satisfaction and business objectives
are being met.
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A CRM provides a single database for all customer interaction. That information can be shared across the organization. Today, reps handle problems and reminders with a manual system based on little sticky notes. This provides no organizational sharing or information from which to improve service, manage customer satisfaction or manager customer service effectively. For example: C2CRM can provide a complete repository of up-to-the-minute information which can be accessed by allowed personnel. This allows an organization to see what the service times are, identify weak links and take appropriate action to ensure customer and business objectives are being met and, thus, eliminating the need for "sticky note" communications.
C2CRM can also provide complete activity reporting for both CSR's and customers, allowing management to understand activity and utilize this information to manage the business effectively.
A CRM system is a single repository where all customer interaction is maintained. This allows all service representatives to see and organize all requests, to minimize duplication of efforts by solving problems once and then leveraging those solutions throughout the customer base.
By storing all the information into a single database, C2CRM can prioritize customer requests based on problem severity, business need and even type of customer. The hottest problems are addressed and solved first, and all the resources within an organization are utilized efficiently to meet all customer service requests in a timely manner.
C2CRM provides all of the customer-relevant information with the click of a button. CSR's can quickly see the customer profile, installation and warranty information, plus any other relevant customer profile or service agreements. CRMs can also present scripted diagnostic procedures which can be followed by each representative on the phone or over the web. This insures a consistent methodology is used to diagnose problems quickly and then provide the appropriate resolution.
C2CRM provides a workflow tool which can be customized to automate the workflow process within an organization. This insures problems are routed to the appropriate person in a timely manner and then customized to guarantee the problem is handled in the timeframe required based on the customer priorities and the enterprise service level agreements. A Work History section of the ticket records all work done by organizational users, inputs the time spent and date-stamps the entries.
C2CRM provides a complete set of management reports, charts and dashboards which provide summary and detailed information on how well overall service objectives are being met as well as detail information for specific customers, customer sets and products. C2CRM's live management reports, for example, can be used to manage individual CSRs to insure they are meeting customer needs as well as to understand true customer satisfaction. Since all of this KPI information is shared amongst all users of the CRM applications, sales, marketing and management all can use the customer satisfaction information in real-time to insure customer loyalty. Leveraging customer service information allows sales and marketing to anticipate potential service issues before they turn into sales issues, this allows a business to develop customer relationships which last a lifetime.
360-Degree View
Getting a 360-degree view of the customer.
C2CRM allows people from different departments to get a 360-degree view of the customer. This means that sales people can see what issues, if any, a customer is working through with support. Or a support person can view what products a customer has purchased, over time, to get a better understanding of their value to the company. Or, a marketing executive could isolate customers which have purchased from the company with high regularity to target them for additional promotions with deeper discounts. All of these examples and more are reasons why a CRM solution is so important. It provides people from different departments with the common views of critical customer data with which to act upon.
Providing the highest levels of customer service and support is critical to maintaining customer loyalty and improving customer satisfaction. Why is this so important? Because it costs 5 times more money to gain a new customer as it does to keep a current one. That's where CRM can help. By giving your customer service team the tools to accurately and efficiently support your current customers, a CRM solution can arm your company with instant information and resources to not only improve customer service but make it a priority for keeping your current and new customers happy.
In today's competitive marketplace it has never been more important not only to ensure your customer service is outstanding but to also leverage your customer service activities throughout the organization. Customer service builds and maintains customer loyalty. Poor customer service results in "one-time sales.” Excellent customer service results in regular repeat buyers. Do you know if your customers are really satisfied with your business? Are you able to manage and integrate the various channels of support (help desk, web, email, social media, etc.)?
CRM can ease the daily pains felt by customer service professionals.
Everything is done with little, yellow sticky notes.
The ability to track and manage service-level agreements.
With C2CRM, your customer service team can provide appropriate levels of support with the knowledge of current support agreements for each customer. A CRM keeps this data readily available to your customer service reps to insure proper support for every customer.